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Warhammer World Languages by Jackdays
This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, WFRP, Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol device, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, artefacts, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ©2012 Jackdays
Warhammer World Languages Version 1.1
Official Languages:
Albion* / Albionese; language of the Albion. Close dialect of the Reikspiel. Based on the information from the Slayer-novel: Giantslayer. Albionese / Albion*; language of the Albion. Close dialect of the Reikspiel. Based on the information from the Slayer-novel: Giantslayer. Aldrhun; written form of Khazalid. Means Old-runes. Anoqeyán / Arcane Elf* (Arcane); ancient and rare Elven language. Arabyan; language of the Araby Arcane Dwarf* (Arcane); ancient and rare Dwarfen language. Arcane Elf* / Anoqeyán (Arcane); ancient and rare Elven language. Battle Tongue* (Secret Language); combat talk and signs. For orders during the combat. Blazon (Secret Language); language of the heralds. A complex and precise language for describing shield patterns and crests. Beast Tongue; language of the Beastmen. Dialect from the Dark Tongue. Black Elven / Druhir; language of the Dark Elves/Druchii. Corrupted mix of Dark Tongue and Elthárin. Black Speech / Dark Tongue*; language of the Chaos, Chaos-magic and the Chaos Wastes. Breton*; language of Bretonnia. Classical*; ancient language of the Old World. Daemonic* (Arcane); language of the Daemons / Realm of the Chaos. Dark Tongue* / Black Speech; language of the Chaos, Chaos-magic and the Chaos Wastes. Druhir / Black Elven; language of the Dark Elves/Druchii. Corrupted mix of Dark Tongue and Elthárin. Druidic* (Arcane); ancient language of the Druids. Elthárin* / Tar-Elthárin*; language of the High- and Sea Elves. Estalian*; language of the Estalia. Fan-Elthárin*; language of the Wood Elves. Dialect from the Eltharin. Fimar; language of the Fimir. From Warpstone Issue #25: Fimir - Ruinous Inheritance. Gházhakh*; language of the Goblins. Dialect from the Goblin Tongue. Goblin Tongue; common tongue of the Greenskins. Grumbarth* / Ogrish*; language of the Ogres. Spoken also by some Giants. Guild Tongue / Guilder (Secret Language); complex jargon of acronyms and buzzwords spoken in the local language. Halfling*; language of the Halflings. Fast, slurred dialect from Reikspiel, but is considered to be a separate language. Hargházhakh*; language of the Hobgoblins. Dialect from the Goblin Tongue. High Nehekharan (Arcane); ancient language of the Nehekharan. Language of the ancient magic and necromancy. Hung / Tribal; language of the Hung tribes in the Chaos Wastes. In the Old World Bestiary (WFRP2 sourcebook) these were just titled TRIBAL, but in the Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook), they became separated languages. Khazalid*; language of the Dwarfs. Written from is known as Klinkarhun, "Chisel-runes", and Aldrhun, "Oldrunes", which are different than magical Runes. Kislevarin / Kislevian / Slavic*; language of the Kislev. This was originally Kislevian, but in the Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2 sourcebook) it became Kislevarin. Also called as Slavic in WFRP1. Kislevian / Kislevarin / Slavic*; language of the Kislev. This was originally Kislevian, but in the Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2 sourcebook) it became Kislevarin. Also called as Slavic in WFRP1. Klinkarhun; written form of Khazalid. Means Chisel-runes. Kurgan / Tribal; language of the Hung tribes in the Chaos Wastes. In the Old World Bestiary (WFRP2 sourcebook) these were just titled TRIBAL, but in the Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook), they became separated languages. Lingua Praestantia / Magick* (Arcane); ancient, pre-Colleges, Magick is little different dialect used still by the Hedgefolk/Hedge Magic-users, but still the same language. Magick* / Lingua Praestantia (Arcane); ancient, pre-Colleges, Magick is little different dialect used still by the Hedgefolk/Hedge Magic-users, but still the same language. Malla-room-ba-lárin*; language of the Treemen, Dryads, Spites and other Fay-folk.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ©2012 Jackdays
Warhammer World Languages Version 1.1
Mine Code, the (Secret Language); Dwarfen sound-system, which is similar to morse code. They used in the mines. From the Slayer-novels: Orcslayer and Elfslayer Nehekharan; language of the Nehekharan. Language of the Undead. Norse; language of the Norsca. Ogrish* / Grumbarth*; language of the Ogres. Spoken also by some Giants. Old Slann* (Arcane); ancient language of the Slann. Orgvar* / Trollish*; language of the Trolls. Orrakh*; language of the Orcs. Dialect from the Goblin Tongue. Prison Cant (Secret Language); prison talk and signs. Queekish*; language of the Skaven. Ranger Signs* (Secret Signs); ranger signs and marks. Ranger Tongue* (Secret Language); ranger jargon. Reikspiel*; language of the Empire and the Marienburg/Wasteland. Saurian; language of the Lizardmen. Dialect from the Ssissyl'k*. Scout Signs* (Secret Signs); scout signs and marks. Skinkian / Ssissyl'k*; language of the Lizardmen. Slavic* / Kislevarin / Kislevian; language of the Kislev. This was originally Kislevian, but in the Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2 sourcebook) it became Kislevarin. Also called as Slavic in WFRP1. Snotgob*; language of the Snotlings. Dialect from the Goblin Tongue. Ss’kyzz’l’k*; language of the Troglodyte. Dialect from the Ssissyl'k*. Ssissyl'k* / Skinkian; language of the Lizardmen. Strigany; language of the Strigany people. From the Warhammer Companion (WFRP2 sourcebook). Sylvanian; close dialect of the Reikspiel. From the Night’s Dark Masters (WFRP2 sourcebook). Tar-Elthárin* / Elthárin*; language of the High- and Sea Elves. Templar Signs (Secret Signs); templar/knight signs and marks. Thief Signs* (Secret Signs); rogue signs and marks. Thieves' Tongue* (Secret Language); rogue jargon and code. Tilean*; language of the Tilea. Tribal / Hung; language of the Hung tribes in the Chaos Wastes. In the Old World Bestiary (WFRP2 sourcebook) these were just titled TRIBAL, but in the Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook), they became separated languages. Tribal / Kurgan; language of the Hung tribes in the Chaos Wastes. In the Old World Bestiary (WFRP2 sourcebook) these were just titled TRIBAL, but in the Tome of Corruption (WFRP2 sourcebook), they became separated languages. Trollish* / Orgvar*; language of the Trolls. Ungol; language of the Ungol tribes in the Kislev.
Notes: * Something that was originally in the WFRP1 Core Rulebook, page 291, Language Summary.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ©2012 Jackdays
Warhammer World Languages Version 1.1
Unofficial Languages: These are partly (or fully) from fan-sources or own creation. Cathayan; language of the Cathay. Ebonian; language of the Southlands. Elemental (Arcane); strange language of the Elemental creatures / Elemental Realm. High Cathayan (Arcane); ancient language of the Cathay. Ikajo; language of the New World human tribes. Indhya; language of the Ind. Khuresian; language of the Khuresh. Nipponise; language of the Nippon. Wayar; language of the Wayarhui. Mysterious small race found from the Lustria, presented in the WFB:Lizardmen history. There is specualations that these three feet tall folk are just wild Lustrian Halflings?!
See Also: http://www.liberfanatica.net/LF4download.html http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Language
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ©2012 Jackdays
Warhammer World Languages Version 1.1